Captain's Log: Stardate 77907.5

So the biggest news is that I've gotten my PPG1 rating and am just a few flights away from getting my PPG2 rating, after which I'll be considered ready to go out and fly powered paragliders with no supervision. It's been 10 days of extremely tough physical work to get here, but it was so, so worth it. I'm blown away by the fact that I can just run into the sky and fly around wherever and whenever I want.

The training has been pretty much all morning (5:30 AM - 1:30 PM many days), and all evening (5:30 PM to 8:00 PM), but there have been some days with more dead time. During that time, when I've had enough energy, I've been tinkering with getting Anukari to build on my Macbook M1.

I'm very happy that today I finally got the entire project to build and link on MacOS. I can now say with confident that I truly hate MacOS. I cannot fathom how Apple gets away with using such an ancient version of Clang -- I ended up having to install the much more modern homebrew Clang, but that caused a lot of grief.

There's been a lot of other sloppy and broken stuff to hack around to get things working. For example, multiple mature libraries blew up at compile time due to the fact that they assume that _SSE_ implies x86_64 and not arm64. At this point I'm not sure why Clang defines that, and don't know whether it's a compiler bug or a library bug.

But anyway, this is a great milestone. It runs on MacOS, and the GUI seems fine, but the GPU code is crashing, and logs don't work. So there's a lot more to do... 😄

Update: Anukari is kind of sort of working on MacOS.

Note that there's no sound: that's because adding a microphone causes things to explode. So do modulators. So there are seemingly some quirks in Apple's opencl implementation that I'm going to have to work out. But this is pretty cool!

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