Captain's Log: Stardate 78026.5

I've been having a lot of fun working on the website, so I'm going with that and focusing on getting a lot of web stuff done.

Auth is working pretty well now, and I'm starting to get set up to send the various account lifecycle emails. I have a bit of a start on some of the ancillary auth stuff like password resets and so forth, and have figured out how React form actions work, which let me clean up all the various auth forms. Form fields are validated server-side and the errors are automatically shown inline in the form client-side, it's all very nice and simple. (I continue to be impressed and pleased with React and next.js.)

I've also done some annoying grunt work like setting up CSRF protections that automatically work on all forms.

Given how fast this is all going, I probably will just charge forward on the website until it's basically read for a closed pre-alpha, in terms of providing the API endpoints for product key registration, and the GUI for managing product keys. This isn't strictly necessary at this point, but it certainly won't hurt to test out the web stuff during the pre-alpha, and like I said, I'm having fun building it so why not?

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