Complications from custom 3D models

While working on the new 3D model assets for Anukari, one "little" TODO that I filed away was to make the mouse interactions with the 3D objects work correctly in the presence of custom models. This includes things like mouse-picking or box-dragging to select items.

In the first revision, because the 3D models were fixed, I simply hard-coded each entity type's hitbox via a cylinder or sphere, which worked great. However, with custom 3D models this is no longer tenable. The old hitboxes did not necessarily correspond to the shape or size of the custom models. This became really obvious and annoying quite quickly as we began to change the shapes of the models.

This was one of those problems that seems simple, and spirals into something much more complicated.

My first idea was to use Google Filament's mouse picking feature, which renders entity IDs to a hidden buffer and then samples that buffer to determine which entity was clicked. This has the advantage of being pixel-perfect, but it uses GPU resources to render the ID buffer, and it also requires the GUI thread to wait a couple frames for the Renderer thread to do the rendering and picking. Furthermore, it doesn't help at all with box-dragging, as this method is not capable of selecting entities that are visually obscured by closer entities. But in the end, the real killer for this approach was the requirement for the GUI thread to wait on the Renderer thread to complete a frame or two. This is doable, but architecturally problematic, due to the plans that I have to simplify the mutex situation for the underlying data model -- but that's a story for another day.

My second idea was to write some simple code to read the model geometry and approximate it with a sphere, box, or cylinder, and use my existing intersection code based on that shape. But I really, really don't want to find myself rewriting the mouse-picking code again in 3 months, and I decided that this approach just isn't good enough -- some 3D models would have clickable areas that were substantially different from their visual profile.

So finally I decided to just bite the bullet and use the Bullet Physics library for collision handling. It supports raycasting, which I use for mouse-picking, and then I use generalized convex collision detection for frustum picking. The documentation for Bullet sucks really hard, but with some help from ChatGPT it wasn't too bad to get up and running. The code now approximates the 3D model geometry with a simplified 42-dimensional convex hull, which is extremely fast for the collision methods I need, and approximates even weird shapes quite well (I tried using the full un-approximated 3D geometry for pixel-perfect picking, but it was too slow). I'm very happy with the results, and it seems that pretty much any 3D model someone can come up with will work well with mouse interactions.

The things that made this a week-long job rather than a 2-day job were the ancillary complications. The main issue is that while the old hard-coded hitboxes were fixed at compile-time, the new convex hull hitboxes are only known by the Renderer thread, and can dynamically change when the user changes the 3D skin preset. This introduced weird dependencies between parts of the codebase that formerly did not depend on the Renderer. I ended up solving this problem by creating an abstract EntityPicker interface which the Renderer implements, so at least the new dependencies are only on that interface rather than the Renderer itself.

An example here is when the user copies and pastes a group of entities. The data model code that does this has a bunch of interesting logic to figure out where the new entities should go, in order to avoid overlapping them with any existing entities. It's a tricky problem because we want them to go as close as possible to where the user is looking, but have to progressively fall back to worse locations if the best locations are not available. Anyway, this requires being able to query the AABBs of existing entities, which is now geometry-dependent.

Another example is when creating new entities. This is similar to copying and pasting, but the requirement to have the entity go near where the user clicked the mouse is less flexible. A final example is rotating entities, where the rotational sphere radius needs to be known, as well as the desired diameter for the "rotation cage' that appears around the entity to indicate it's being rotated.

Anyway, it took a few days but finally I think I have all of these use-cases working correctly. Fortunately I had unit tests for all this stuff, so that helped a lot. This is a pretty nice milestone, since I think this is the last "heavy lift" for the new 3D model configurability feature.

As usual, there are still a few fiddly details that I need to address. The biggest one is that it's a little slow when you delete 1,000 entities. This is an edge case, but it is noticeable and irritates me. I think I know what I'll do to speed it up, but we'll see.

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